Ramblings at 2AM

Kel texted me this afternoon and said “Are you sure you want to stay broke up?” so I texted him back and said, “No, I made a terrible mistake. Can you forgive me?” So he says, “Yes. Can I come over tonight?” So I said, “Yes, let me jump in the shower and text me when you get near.”

So he came. It was very sweet, like old friends reconnecting. He stayed for several hours and we talked about lots of things…but we said nothing at all about how I had texted him several months ago and said, “I think we should break up. You want different things than I do.”

So he texted me back and said, “I can change.”

And I said, “No, I don’t want you to change just so we can be together. It’s me that needs to change anyway.”

That was that. He was out of my life and that was probably best anyway. Who cares about loneliness? It’s not that bad. I’m not ready for a relationship. They scare the shit out of me.

Some days I want to just give up on life and not do life again. It’s too painful! I can’t make it another day. But then something like this happens and you start to think that there might be some reason to keep living. So I’m trying to decide if there is or not.

For some reason that I don’t understand, Kelvin likes me. And he’s a really good looking guy – a graduate of Texas A & M (Go Aggies!) Good job. Dresses sharp. Drives an orange corvette. Why does he like me? I don’t even like me, so how could he?

I can’t figure it out. I’ve tried, but 2 + 2 doesn’t equal 4 this time. There’s no good reason for that man to like or care about me and want me in his life. So this leaves me quite mystified. Life can be so daunting sometimes and it’s like that today. There’s no rhyme or reason. This is just the way it is. So a little voice spoke to me out of the mist, or out of the heavens, from behind that pink cloud. He said:

Figure it out on your own. Understand it in your own way. At your own time. You’re entitled to personalize your recovery. Spend some time to get it right. You’re worth the extra trouble. You don’t have to KNOW every answer. Let some things go! Just say bye-bye and watch it float away.

So I closed my eyes again to pray and saw a white room. The walls and windows were fashioned of those old 1X12 planks painted white. It was my spiritual house. God lets me see it sometimes in a dream or vision. He always has a different purpose for showing it to me. Once in a dream, the walls weren’t sturdy and heavy rain was soaking them so much that they got soggy and fell over. Water came in saturating everything.

I started looking around in my life to see where my house was weak and flimsy and finally found the problem. So I fixed it and pretty soon my spiritual house was strong and beautiful again. So the dreams and visions always mean something and it’s important to find out their meanings and take action.

Kel is back but what does that mean? Why does he like me? I feel like I should know a lot more about life and love than I do.
